Various Illustrations

I try to draw every time I get a chance. This here are some random drawings I have done over the last few years.

Children’s books for adults


Family portraits

This is an ongoing series of commissioned family portraits. Goal is to capture all the small details that make every family unique and so interesting to try and draw. They always bring a smile on everybody’s face, if they are inside little moments and jokes.


Brighton Source Magazine Cover and Illustrations


The legendary Brighton Source magazine got in touch with me about illustrating one of their last issues’ cover before famously going out of print. This was around the time British Sea Power made a long-awaited return from a hiatus, and the magazine wanted to honour it with a long story.

I have done a lot of photography for the Brighton Source magazine in the past, and still sometimes do, but it was even a bigger honour to have been given a chance to illustrate for them as well.


Various bits

Infinite patterns


Brighton Folk book and photo series


Flight Brigade - Chased By Wolves